An Asbestos Containing Material (ACM) is defined as a material that contains more than 1% asbestos. Because of the unique properties of asbestos, it was widely used as an ingredient to many different building materials from 1940 until 1982 when it became known as a dangerous carcinogen, causing cancer and death to many people who had been exposed.
What materials contain asbestos?
Drywall joint compound, decorative wall and ceiling textures. Vinyl floor tile, sheet flooring materials and associated mastics. Spray on architectural ceiling textures. Older furnace insulations and supply duct joint tapes. Some cementitious roofing shingles and associated felts. Pipe insulations. Attic insulations although rare have been discovered to contain asbestos. Cementitious exterior siding tiles. Asbestos was used in over 3,000 different building products.
How do I find out if a material contains asbestos?
A small sample of the material is collected and submitted to a laboratory for analysis. The results of the analysis identifies the type of asbestos and the percentage of asbestos in the sample.
Why is asbestos considered to be so dangerous?
Exposure to asbestos fiber containing dust through inhalation has shown to cause serious lung damage — asbestosis, lung cancer and other cancers.
We are planning on renovating our building, what is next?
Any older structures require an asbestos inspection. The inspection must be performed by a licensed inspector as is required by law. We recommend testing before any planned renovation or demolition. We can get your survey and results to you within a week, so you know what you’re working with.
Once the inspection process is complete and we discover we have an asbestos containing material, what is next?
Only those materials discovered to contain asbestos will require remediation before the planned renovation or demolition of the structure can begin. A site visit takes place, then we develop a plan of action and negotiate cost. We provide this service free of charge and walk you through the process.