Bird Control

Ready To Put A Stop To Your Pest Bird Problems!

Ready To Put A Stop To Your Pest Bird Problems 

Pest birds and their droppings are unsightly and can create health related problems

Bird droppings cause millions of dollars in property damage every year

Pest birds and their droppings can spread over 60 transmittable diseases to people and animals

Pest birds increase maintenance costs and liability risk

Benefits of Bird Control

    • Decreased Expenses/Cost on Maintenance and Repair
    • Increase Your Property Value

    • Eliminate the Spread of Diseases to You, Employees and Patrons

    • Eliminate Safety and Health Hazards – Decrease Your Liability

    • Improve/Protect Your Image

Maintaining and repairing property that is damaged by bird droppings and nests can be ongoing expense...and cost thousands of dollars per year.

    • Not only are these problems unsightly, but pest birds and their feces can spread 60+ transmittable diseases.
    • Safety, sanitation and health hazards caused by bird droppings can pose serious liability risks..and left untreated, can lead to accidents & lawsuits.

    • Birds feces, nests and debris can also create a bad public image with tenants and patrons

Keers is an authorized installer of Bird·B·Gone Products

    • Trained and certified in installation and treatment for various types of pest bird problems.
    • Able to provide you with the best options for your specific pest bird problems.

Your bird control professional Keers will know which option (or combination of options) is best for you. Integrated pest bird management – along with ongoing service and commitment to ensure your satisfaction, is what makes Bird·B·Gone Authorized Installer Keers the #1 Experts in Bird Control Management.