Mold Remediation
Mold has long been known to carry serious health risks.
Mold has long been known to carry serious health risks. When mold infects a facility, it finds sources of moisture and proliferates, contributing to what is known as “sick building syndrome”. Heating, ventilation, and air-condition (HVAC) systems become contaminated, spreading fungal spores throughout the building.
1. Containing the affected area
2. Removing all contamination
3. Cleaning the site
It is important to select a company that will remediate all mold carefully and thoroughly.
Keers has extensive experience in indoor air quality and mold remediation. We can help you identify the sources of mold contamination and even help you pinpoint future problem areas.
Our remediation methods include specialized remediation techniques, air cleansing, HVAC decontamination, and removing/repairing mold infested areas. With Keers at your side, youcan keep your facility and its occupants safe and healthy.
Health Effects – asbestos is a known carcinogen (cancer causing) when exposure occurs, it has been linked to various diseases (asbestosis, mesothelioma, and lung disease.) Approximately 10,000 people die per year in the United States from Illnesses related to Asbestos exposure.
Asbestos Regulations – asbestos is a highly regulated toxic substance (USEPA, OSHA, State/Local Health Agencies) that must be identified and abated by law prior to facility renovation, demolition or disturbance. Failure to comply with government environmental regulations may end up in heavy fines, sanctions, and lawsuits.
Asbestos Litigation – over 90,000 asbestos exposure and property damage lawsuits are filed per year. Asbestos litigation is costly, time-consuming and reputation damaging